Tuwalya ng Baka at Laman Lamanan ng Baboy (Tripe & Innards Salad) ~ LP#6

Pulutan is a kind of food that is served as accompaniment to a drink. It comes in different kinds like meat, fish, nuts, chips. It’s prepared in different ways…raw, fried, steamed. Basically, it is anything that makes drinking enjoyable. Even a pet might start to look as a pulutan depending on the level of alcohol drinkers(I call them “bingeirs”) have had but that is a different story I would not even like to touch.
Those words were written by our host this month, Aling Ting. Lasang Pinoy # 6 is all about wash it down with the booze!!!!
Pulutan… since am here in Greece the nearest version I can think of Greek word for this will be mezedes.
Almost really, but when I hear the word pulutan it sounds so exotic to my ears since I left the country long before my legal drinking age.
But hey let me share this secret though, a great uncle of mine used to pass me a glass of TUBA when I was quite young. Tuba is fermented sap of palm and coconut . A poor man’s alcohol drink, 100% alcohol pure.
I have tasted assorted of tuba really since my Mama (my paternal grandmother) used to drink this a lot.
She certainly did not believe about the age , she gave me alcohol drink when I was young, of course not when my mother was not watching.
But what I did not really experience is to sit with friends for a drinking session and eat pulutan.

Crew of the the yachts owned by a Prince , a member of the House of Saud. We were all based at the same port in Cannes.
So when this Lasang Pinoy 6th edition came up with this theme, what my friends (yachties) prepared when we had a get together in Antibes (France)?
OK the last drinking session I had among Filipinos was in France last September. We crew of different yachts decided to party and chipped in money for a goat meat.
KALDERETA KAMBING goat meat, stewed for hours with paprika, bell pepper, tomato sauce with a very rich sauce.
To celebrate the end of summer yacht season we gathered up for drinks and shared stories. Since we also met in Sardignia, Italy last August we had so much to share about the our work serving the rich.
We mostly had whisky but I stuck to the red wine. My spirit was up, I even joined them in a karaoke my voice did not sound bad at all… hik ***hik*** and the kaldereta was so fabulous and delicious.
Anyway, the only thing that came to my mind was either to make chicharon or lechon kawali (both I have never done). Very original.
As you people know I could cook but there are many Filipino cuisine I can’t even create.

So I rang up a friend. I know he makes all kind of pulutan because in the old days his flat was the hangout for mahjong games and drinking sessions among Bisayan (we Filipinos from the Central and southern part of the archipelago).
So he told me to meet him at the wet market… come click me he showed me the tuwalya (tripe) and the laman loob ng baboy. (it was a kind of innards just clinging outside the liver)
He was hoping for goat though.
Normally he would use chicken innards but with the bird flu he said no will change the recipe.
Then he gave me instructions what to do with them and on Sunday night he will come to my flat.

For the tripe:
a kilo of tripe (tuwalya – literal translation towel)
I washed it inside out
Boil the tripe with salt water
Then throw the water as it soon it boils
Add fresh water
Do exactly the same
After the 3rd wash I added onions, spring onions, parsley, celery, salt
Let it boil then
Keep on low fire till tender
I must had it boiling for 4 hours
Then drain.
For the laman laman ng baka (innards)
Half a kilo
Wash it properly
Add onions, garlic, spring onion
Boil it till tender.

2nd part of the cooking

So non Filipino readers here, its basically WARM TRIPE SALAD.
I served it with Macallan 12 years old Elegancia, perfect for cold weather. No one was with me… but this is just a perfect test trial when I get invited and will be asked for pulutan I know exactly what I will prepare.

Lasang Pinoy aims to explore food that embodies the Filipino Culture. Pulutan is the 6th event archives of the past events can be found here.
I always associate tuwalya with one fave Ilocano dish, Pinapaitan…
great to know there’s more to tuwalya than pinapaitan.
for the love of blogging..haay..ako rin mag-isa namulutan! still have to post mine in awhile when the kids get to bed!looks masarap sha..
for me, tuwalya always means callos. Either way, I am not really fond it. My idea of pulutan is tapa and bbq.
Haha, that’s funny, Ces and you namulutang mag-isa. But from my experience, girls prepare the pulutan and guys consume them with the alcohol. The pulutan are usually very tasty I eat the left-overs with rice, haha, so in effect mag-isa rin akong namumulutan.
Sha, I always hear about tuba-drinking grandmothers in the Visayas.
the trouble of tuba is that your mouth stinks terribly after drinking but I luv it though, it is soooooo sweet!
I don’t eat tuwalya eh but I use it everyday,hehe
enjoy the week inday!
Matrabaho pero sulit ang twalya ng baka. Meron ding maitim na twalya diba? I also enjoy this on my Chinese ricebowl lugaw.
Kung Hei Fat Choyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
hi sha,
i had given a try to LP but e-mail keeps coming back.. late na siguro..pero i still posted it, ako na lang ang magpupulutan mag-isa.LOL
Nice pictures! Had not heard about this before, so I am learning a lot! 😉 Merci!
Hi Sha,
I eat pulutan but I don’t drink…
sarap ng salad..sarap din yan pang-sahog sa arroz caldo-yummy!
thanks for sharing Sha!
just been busy re discovering favourite food joints here in Athens with my cousin who is visiting
I was barely here for the last 2 years.. so am really finding myself here again so bear with me… I will have “drinks” with all of you later…
Oh..lala..I love tripe. thanks for joining LP6 Sha. I wish I could try that Tripe salad one day..
deym, now i’m getting hungry. i love tripe in goto, kare-kare, and of course in papaitan. tfs.
Hi Sha,
I was too young to join in on the drinking sessions in Phils but was never too young to taste the pulutan! Only if you can take the heat of the chillies they put in sometimes. I remember the pulutan like calderetang baka, pinapaitan, tokwa’t baboy, adobong pigs intestines or whatever else… back then, i prefered them with rice!!! nevermind the alcohol.
I can’t join LP6 – i should really cos my bro’s birthday soon and no doubt him and his Filipino drinking mates would probably make some pulutan – he occassionally cook pinapaitan. Please don’t ask me where he gets the ingredients from here in Jersey, probably befriends a butcher! hahaha.
I remember having tripes and beef/pork belly in goto or arroz caldo.
These are the stuff the Dutch throws away, lol. Quite hard to find them here in NL unless you visit the exotic butchers.
I like pulutan [other types, my fave are dried or grilled pusit] but sorry sha, not this tuwalya thing ;-), though I admit, the foto looks yummy.
here goes the pulutan! i hope you didn’t drink much when you had this one…. hehehe
i remember tuwalya in callos, kare kare and sometimes arroz caldo. but u know what? i had this type of tuwalya salad here in beijing! they serve it cold here as appetizer…
LOL! natawa ako sa dami nating nagpulutan na mag-isa. If only we could have put all our pulutan together and have a genuine women’s only inuman 🙂 Love the tripe, Sha!
Ang lola ko naman bassi and pinatikim sa akin when I was younger. That’s the one made with fermented rice. They used to let me eat the rice, after it has fermented and separated from the liquor. It’s still infused with alcohol though, and my lola would put sugar in it, parang cereal. My mom said I always slept well afterwards 😀
hi sha..
blog hopped to your new recruit relly! hahaha..
tried to comment but can’t..if you can relay this message..thanks!
hi relly..
welcome! and thanks for joining LP in behalf of all the ‘blog-icians’! haha..i don’t have a pet rabbit but just like ting i don’t think i can eat them cause when my son says ‘i love you to me’..it’s always with..’more than bunnies’…hahaha..but i do miss ukoy!gimme gimme!
Sha, I love tripe! We call it mondongo here in Panama. Will post a recipe soon 🙂 You have inspired me! I have been coming here and trying to post in the last few days, with no luck. Has anyone else experienced the same problem?
love it love it sha…it seems healthier than my favorite tripe dishes. hanggang bir bir lang me, di ko kaya tuba eh….
kung hey fat choy all month dear!
is the tripe good ate ? coz i havent tried eating it!
I’ve loved tripe all my life, except for a brief moment when I found out it was actually intestine, but that was a fleeting moment. Great post! I never knew the Tagalog word for it was the same as Towel – interesting!
i haven’t had tuwalya for a long time because i don’t really see it here. i know they sell this in London, somewhere at the east end. somehow i associate tuwalya with kare-kare!
Madame Sha, Busy pa rin! Wow, what a courage … touring with glah glah freezing weather. Uwi ako sa Pinas sa Friday! My mother is very sick. Your just adorable, salamat ha!
Favorite ko rin ang tuwalya, sarap talaga sa kare-kare at goto.
May bago na namang recipe for towels, thanks!!!
Sha, that is an excellent photograph of a whole tripe or stomach lining…I have never seen it that way…tripe is also yummy in callos but I am not a big fan of it…would need a lot of single malt whisky to get me to eat any volume of it…heehee.
Hi Sha! I love tripe (and innards) 🙂 I eat tripe in callos, kare kare, dimsum, and any other way you care to serve it up…so this definitely looks appetizing to me! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
uy! sarap nito ah…bagay na dapat matikman..yum!!
this is for the montly Filipino Food blooging event
but for this tripe (stomach lining) as for the Filipinos to call “towel” I found these in Nice and Cannes.
Think most of the North Africans eat these too.
I even found sheeps feet at some shops in Cannes…
France surprises me with lots of international shops selling food you would not imagine available.
When I was young we had this every now and then as soup called callos… which is much a Spanish influence.
melissa the cooking diva of panama!!!
I am not surprised you eat this too…..
not at all.
I will check your recipe and would like to know how you prepare this food.
DUTCHED PINAY… that a whole stomach in that photo
dont worry it tasted good actually must be all the herbs and gentle boiling
Not every one would like to eat tripe
But if I know its been prepared well then I dare for it
and other recipes you have mentioned.
I took my cousin to the wet market here and she said its cleaner and does not have a stench smell like in Phils.
The only thing that made my cousin eyuch were the RABBITS AND LIVE SNAILS…..
I love tripe and have eaten it cooked differently but not what the receipe shows here. The Chinese have tripe stew, which is delicious. They also cook noodles with tripe, which is a popular dish. Pulutan sounds exciting.
Would pulutan go better with red or white wine?
[…] Wanderlust Sha is originally from the Philippines and now lives in Greece. She has traveled all over the world, but has never forgotten the wonders and goodness that the food from the homeland does to our body and soul. Her recent post on tripe, "Tuwalya ng Baka at Laman Lamanan ng Baboy (Tripe & Innards Salad)," is fantastic, educational and oh so good. In Panama and other Latin American countries we call it "mondongo", and there are endless ways to prepare it. […]
Hi,i would like to ask you if you know the method how to cook calderetang kambeng??