musings of a traveller and food lover


.. .oh no not…chicken again!!!

Well I finally resolved the internet connection, am now connected to a UMTS system (don’t ask me that cellular lingo, inspite the fact I love gadgets like cameras and laptops cell phones ...

Chicken Fried Rice

December a busy month but I found time to go to the weekly laiki, farmer’s market. I coud not miss it, I can go to other markets but this is the only day I find the flower stall with ...

Real Fast Food: Chicken Tarragon

Nico usually lacks confidence in cooking for Markus, Sha and Jo. (we are all better at cooking than him J) So when he volunteers to cook for us, we humour him and so far he has never failed ...

Kreopoleion: kreo -meat poleion – shop

See those lovely beef ribs? I have been asking him when will get the ribs and he said there is no specific day, but today as I passed his shop he was carving beef and there I could finally ...