Crispy Brownies & Pineapple Upside Down Cake

New Year’s Eve Indulgence…what shall I bake? I know the party am attending to will have kids around. I wanted to do something different. Am sure after a week of indulging themselves with Greek and Filipino pastries, they will more than happy to try something new.
So I baked one of my favourite comfort food,
I have been baking these for years and never failed to seduce the children’s sweet tooth. I also thought that with brownies which I cut into small cubes the kids can just pop them into their mouths, hence no need of plates.
You will find the recipe here. This recipe is adapted from the book PATISSERIE from the Time Life Books The Good Cook Series. One of the oldest cookbook I have here.

The moment I entered the flat, the kids jumped with joy Tita Sha has arrived. Here comes their playmate.. nah I just kept an eye on them as they played Snakes and the Ladders while eating some fried calamares the hosts had prepared. I was not there when dinner was served, I had other obligations to attend.
Just before midnight we went up to the 7th floor and watched the fireworks that sparkled in a distance. But it was a clear night. We could see the Acropolis and the suburbs of Athens. We went back to the flat dranked champagne and exchanged wishes.

Then the dessert was served. (Dont ask me what was the main meal… I missed it, but they had goat which was yummy and lots of shrimps and calamares. The kids gobbled up the brownies. I was right… they all loved the brownies.

As for the big kids, I made PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE . My first time to be honest but fear not, if I did well the PEAR UPSIDE DOWN was a matter of changing the pear with pineapples.
The only difference was, I added a bit of the pineapple juice to the caramel. Very tropical isn’t it? Pineapple cake served when the temp outside was almost like 5C. The recipe is here…

The ACROPOLIS just before the fireworks started.
Then we had the St Basil cake, Basilopitta, in which it was sliced into portions according to how many people were around.
The first slice is for Christ.
The second one for the House
Then we all got our slices I was not the lucky one who got the florin (the charm), the host gave €20 to person who had it.
That is the Greek culture we have adopted then came the Filipino way of throwing candies and coins.
Yippee, it was meant for the kids ok, but for them I am a kid so I joined the fun!

Well the party broke up around past 2 and I went somewhere else after that. I walked a long way as it was not worth for my friend to drive me home. So I decided to see Swiss Cheese at his work. He made me breakfast and waited till the dawn broke out. I saw the first sunrise of 2006 and cheered the first morning of the year with buck fizz.
Maligayang Bagong Taon
Malipayong Bag o Tuig
Kali Chronia
Oh… to kick 2006 with a great fun am sending this recipe and post to:
NEW YEAR’S RECIPE DINNER & PHOTO SWAP hosted by Canella blogging from Spain, Marcella writing from Argentina,
Elvira of Portugal and Cooking Diva of Panama Gourmet.
hi sha, everything looks so good! happy new year to you and your loved ones
so this was the one you were baking when I saw you online! It looks so yummy. I’m sure it tasted great. If I had an over here at our flat, I woudl have tried this recipe. In the meantime, I’m going to keep it in my to do list.
Bonne Année!
What a wonderful evening and delicious looking desserts. Thanks for sharing and have a great 2006.
The crisp brownies look like something I would just salivate over. I love all the pics and especially the brownies. I guess I’m in a brownie mood because normally everything would be appealing to me. Happy new year to you to sha!
Goodnies.. yummilicious! so ito yung pinag-ka-aba-la-han mo? Forget diabetis, I want that pineapple sideup cake. Adopt me!
And I know you had a nice new year. Massage! massage!
rather, goodness* (asus wrong spelling, wrong!)
Just by looking at that piece of cake makes me starve for sweets.
Seduce me too, Sha, seduce me!! With your brownies and upside down or even if it’s side way or inside out pineapple cake..I’d still scream,
seduce me!!!
must send you puggylickinggood from the little man
happy new year sha!
wow! I’ll add this to my wish list..
Happy New Year!!
hey Sha,
Happy New Year! Have you recovered yet? He he. I haven’t posted this year yet…
Upside down pineapple cake is one of my favourites that i miss so much. I made this once before – circa 10 years ago. I ought to make it again according to your undeniably seductive recipe.
Wow, brownies and pineapple upside down cake! Two of my favorite desserts!
Since I already have my Dr. Oetker brownies mix here in Switzerland, panatag na loob ko. But I’ve always wanted to make a pineapple upside down cake after tasting the delicious upside down cake of an Ilocano churchmate (yum, yum, yum). Thanks for sharing the recipe here. Let’s see if I can pull it off.
Have a Blessed 2006! All the best and God bless.
hi sha, i bloghopped from knoizki’s (he’s a friend in hk)… just wanted to say hi and i absolutely adore those goodies – ang galing mo magluto kainggit. nyways, when i start planning our europe tour again hubby dear wants us to drop by sa Greece – will ask you some details kung ok lang.
that looks so yummy tata sha…i guess i’ll try that crispy chocs. thanks for sharing the recipe 😉
Shaaaa!!! Have not blog hopped since my database disaster. These look perfect for my diet. hahahaha I am drooooling over the crispy brownies. Gawa ako bukas. Okay lang kaya kung almonds?
next in line sha…this crispy brownies!
yum! it seems like you put a lot of effort on making your “Pear upside down cake.” I never had those one before and your brownies, I’m drooling! what’s next?
inday sha, dili lagi ko mo anhi kay ga-diet ko … matintal ko oi … ay gi-atot, unsa manang diet, makaton na? he he he
Mahalipayong bag-ong tuig kanimo ug sa imong banay!
JOCELYN: Thank you for the greetings. I had a great new year indeed and a PROMISE I WILL AND MUST TRY TO EXPERIMENT TEA INFUSION COOKING..
DUKE: Can you use the hotel’s oven? Well ask hubby to get you an oven. I dont own A MICROWAVE but I probably will lose my sanity if I dont have an oven.
RUTH: Welcome thanks for passing by
EXPATRAVELLER: aha another choc addict like that expat in Switzerland. Make Mr P happy and bake some.
KNOIZ: If I adopt you what about Mr Brown? Ask yaya to prepare this for you and find a choc for diabetic peeps
If you want I have some recipe for people who suffer diabetis.
DL: Glad you are back and Koolit is just doing well in Prague do share some local cuisine sometime. And I look forward the day I visit you.
THESS.. yes i have seduced you and did yr sukifeest and btw i saw that suki sauce at the store. Swiss cheese prefer the Swiss suki with mustard and pickles. I said no we are doing Thess way!!!
GAIL & GRACE: To my lovely Bisaya friends happy new Year
Grace give your baby a big doggy hug from me
and dont give sweets to your baby!!! lol
JAYRED: We got no dr oetker , let me admit before I learned to bake I used to buy pre packed boxes for brownies (we have the american brand here)
Ask yr friend for the recipe and share it with us. i love to test diff recipes till I actually settle to the one I like.
But this one is soft and heavenly.
MAE: where are you still partying? ohh la la…more english breakfast I suppose.
ISAY: Naked Chef is sexy isnt he? But I dont own any of his cookbook though. Thanks for passing by and have fun with your cooking experiments.
ANNALYSE: Are you allowed to have chocs now?? LOL
do you know that in cannes a small cube of brownies is 4euro. I nearly had a heart attack ok its the finest pattiserie in Cannes but I went straight to the supermarket and bought ingredients. Then I could not think what is BAKING POWDER IN FRANCAISE. I picked up one then rushed to check my dictionary!!!
SASSY thanks nakadaan ka na ulit I have been visiting yr page inspite the fact you are still reconstructing. Its part of my routine to check sama sa tea ko….after all you inspired and prod me to do this blog!
CES: yes your kids will love this… as I told Sassy you can use other nuts and even glaze this, I can send the choc glaze recipe.
Xtine: I was amazed the pear retained its shape…. I serve it with creme fraiche.
next am experimenting Celia and Stel leche flan after this am going back to my kitchen.
BAMBIT wala diet ning blog oppps
My sister actually said dont you worry about your weight with all these cookings?
Hi Sha! I tried your recipe – crispy brownies – medyo natagalan yata ang lagay ko sa oven naluto ng husto – hehehe… panis talaga ako sa baking, kainis! hirap ma-perfect ha, pero i’ll try again. i’ve linked you on my site para madali ma-check ang mga recipes mo 🙂
looks really delicious !!! ate can you post a recipe for leche flan ?
LECHE FLAN SHHH its in the oven now
Isay test test test
i should not come here especially when im on a diet…ayan, im forced to eat again…i like that tradition on the St Basil Cake. There’s a slice for Christ….:)