Risotto is one of our favourite comfort food and asparagus is now in season.
We (team work between M and I) we were hungry and tired but still wanted to eat hot yummy cooked food we had risotto, after yesterday no carbohydrate supper.


A bunch of asparagus
1 Onions finely sliced
Garlic crushed
Half of red pepper chopped
Yellow part of the leek fine chopped
Canaroli rice
Stock or broth

Asparagus ready for slicing

1) Clean the asparagus, cut the hard part and slice the delicate part
2) Heat olive oil and add the garlic onions, pepper and leeks. Sautee without colour
3) Add the sliced asparagus for 2 to 3 mins
4) Then add the carnaroli rice, stir.
5) Add broth or stock or dry white wine preferably Italian.
6) After 10 mins stir again, add more stock if necessary
7) Cook for 16 to 18mins, depends how you like your risotto.
8)Season to taste with freshly ground pepper.
9) Serve with grated parmesan.

Since M stirred our last bits of parmesan to the risotto we added rocket leaves and grated cheddar (we found just the other day)

This is the king of risotto rice.High in starch it can absorb liquid for a long time while remaining ‘al dente’. Becomes wonderfully creamy. You can find this mostly at gourmet shops.

When we cook however we don’t really measure, but those you want to try this out I can figure out basic measurements.