I was horrified to wake up so late yesterday. I wanted to stay in last Friday night, watch dvd and read cookbooks. Does anyone read cookbooks? Well I do, I mean I flipped through pages and pages, marking page after page… then the phone rang at 9:30pm.
Want to come to the bar?

Hatzimixali Estate one of the finest Greek wine producers were showcasing their Nouveau Wine. How could I refuse that?

Nouveau wine is the first wine of each year’s harvest and people gather to taste the first wine of the season. I left the flat 11pm and surely a very late night. The wine was perky and it was accompanied by a selection of cheeses.
That of course was the silly excuse of getting up late and I ran for the weekly market.

I did not expect a lot, but at least I have enough for the weekend. The next market will be on Tuesday and Wednesday but I still can shop on the 24th.

Damn no more mackarel but still lots of fruits. Then I saw oyster mushrooms. They are cultivated not too bad for 3€ a kilo. These type of mushrooms grow on wood and are easy to cultivate.

Pleurotus ostreatus, the Oyster mushroom, did not get its name because it taste like an oyster. Rather for its shape, the white shell like appearance.

Once home, the mushrooms were cleaned, bottoms were sliced off and cut to remove dirt.
After that they were just sauteed in organic olive oil, minced garlic and some parsely. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Served with pan grilled lamb chops.