Writing on Food & Travels…My 7 Links Challenge
(Dumre, Nepal a bazaar town where we hopped for our trip to Bandipur, Here a guy sells Churu-Muri or spiced puffed rice.)
I have read two of her books… the first one,Sea Fare , she actually came to see me in Cannes, the first time we met. That very weekend, I went with my Captain’s family for a picnic. It did not take long till I found a shade to read and I was giggling with her hilarious experiences scouring for fresh goods and getting hold of local recipes. I was not even cooking professionally yet, but I could easily get carried away as her stories pretty much what my passions in life. Cooking and travelling.
Then her 2nd book, SEAsoned, was published, she sent me a copy and used some of her recipes. I admit the hilarious situations a chef or a crew face on trips was so amusing to read.Cramped spaces,grumpy tired crew, unpredictable guests and her delectable recipes make this book worth reading.
( A Travelling Salesman up above nearly 2000m at the Annapurna trek)
And now she challenged me to a project as she calls it.
Oh dear I am suppose to finish the next Nepal story but gets got caught up with other things.
But if she wrote this piece that I am one of her inspiration to go on blogging.
“My biggest inspiration and support in creating a blog about being a yacht chef and photographing food has been a close friend, Shalimar Orlanes, whose blog, Wanderlust for the Love of Food and Travel, was one of the first blogs I ever read and remains, to this day, my favorite site for delicious looking food and stories of travel.”
Well, why not then?
I realised I actually have to dig my archives. It all goes back January 2005 so this is indeed a challenge.
The rules of this challenge are simple.
Rule #1 You are supposed to go back through all the posts you have written on your blog and find the one that fits best for each of these seven categories. Here are the ones I have chosen:
1.Your most beautiful post:
When I wrote about cooking professionally for the first time.
Figs, Prunes & Mascarpone Tart – Cooking on the High Seas.
2.Your most popular post:
My “homecoming”…
3.Your most controversial post:
Not really so controversial but rather a culturally challenged post how the Brits and the Americans prefer their apple pies.
MITseaAH’s Apple Pie
4.Your most helpful post:
Who would have thought such a fancy naming cookie is so easy to bake?
And I reposted the recipe again here..
5.A post whose success surprised you:
There are a few but I just love how the readers interacted to this post.
Sticky Rice Pudding , A Filipino Breakfast. February 2006
6.A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved:
The Norwegian lunch..
7.The post that you are most proud of:
My first year of blogging…food,politics and my story how we ended up in Greece.
Rule #2 When finished with selecting your 7 blast-from-the-past blogs, you are then to nominate at least one amazing new blogger to take the challenge. Here is my nominee:
Baby Rambutan of Boston for her love of challenges of trying new recipes and for what she does for her family… baking and cooking. For she was the first blogger who constantly challenged me to bake! Yay Stella.
And I am breaking the rule…
One interesting chef worth tagging, The Wayward Chef because other than she carries a “big knife and walks slowly”, she is one sassy writer.
inday Shalimar, ay ay ay! 🙂 i will try my best to be worthy of this tag.
take care!