Nutella Cup Cake Swirls

Sometime a month ago, I visited 80 Breakfasts and saw her truffle cupcakes ( she had truffle left over the Christmas past). She used a recipe she dug from Baking Sheet that has been adapted from Donna Hay.
Few days later I saw these Nutella cup cakes recipe again at In Our Kitchen, now it has come to my kitchen as well.
Last week when my cousin arrived, I told her to rest for a while so we would go out at 11pm. Greeks go out that late you know.
While she was resting my friend’s daughter asked for her weekly bake off. I showed her JMoms site and she fell in love with the Nutella swirls.
With me reading the recipe she measured, mixed and baked. As soon the cupcakes came out we all dug at them while they were HOT! But I kept some for my tea the next day.

10 tbsp butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Nutella, approx. 1/3 cup

Cream together butter and sugar, add in eggs one at a time, until fully incorporated.
Add vanilla. Stir in flour, salt and baking powder until batter is uniform and no flour remains.
Top each cake with 1 1/2 tsp Nutella.
After the baking and late evening teas we went out to town. We walked around Pssiri and I missed a turn and we ended up atCUBANITA, where I was mistaken for a Latina.

Karaiskaki 28, Athens
ΚαÏαϊσκάκη 28
210 33 14 605
Why am I only discovering your blog now??? It’s amazing!!! And the nutella recipe … I’m all over it!
I look forward to visiting often …
nutella alone makes me smile! mix in a cupcake will surely make my day with tea on the side…
ate sha do you have a recipe for maja blanca?
it looks tasty actually!
it sure is going to my kitchen next sha! wow! pa-clubbing clubbing ka nlang ha..inggit ako! it’s been awhile since i last went to a bar!:(
Mama mia ….. I honestly wish I could bake. 🙁
LOL! This nutella cupcake is making the rounds, around the world 🙂 Sarap, di ba? This has certainly become a regular in our kitchen.
Ako rin, I get mistaken for Latina often. Aparently my horrendous Spanish passes too 😉
Amo las tortas de esta taza del nutella…
Looks great Sha!
OH MY GOODNESS! Nutella, my childhood love!!! We even used to have French fries and nutella for lunch. Nutella, this words sounds like a sweet fairy tale
Yvonne thanks for dropping by.. the one who “baked” this is 13 years old whom I teaches to appreciate food & cooking.
Gail… I used to buy lots of nutella especially there was a time when the glasses were decorated with ASterix characters
when the cupcakes are warm the nutella was still flowing
Charles next time use the search thingie here or click Filipino recipes
Ces: cousin is now back in Manila…I need to show her that inspite my age haha and rusty knees I still know how to salsa…
your kids will love this ces, I suggest buy coloured paper cups or this choc flakes to decorate the top
AL tell Angel Jane to do this remember you still have to bake me marzipankakke
JMOM many of my friends non bloggers have copied this one already.. we should do a meme on this..
MAE: un taza nutella ha…dont forget the SHF this week
CELINE; Ah of course crepe avec nutella.. avec bananas
Sha my dear,
I know it’s been a while since I’ve been by, but with a recipe like this, I remember why, I will have to try this. I get weird stares here when I say I dont enjoy peanut butter, and that I would have nutella any day over PB.
Missing you and our chicahan. G
OK, i know all the ingredients… so INDULGE, thanks for giving Nutella usage a new twist. been craving chocola lately.
Mukahng interestng itong cubanita bar na to.
Marzipan kake will be your treat when you get here!!!!!
un nutella taza torta… babelfish! oh, and black pudding is on it’s way to you my dear. Make sure you have the rest – bacon, sausage, egg(s), toast, tomatoes?, baked beans, mushrooms. Or, if you have any left over, dinuguang baboy (do you eat this?). Enjoy anyhow…
I loved nutella for awhile, on top of biscuits, until I had enough of it. I’m not a sweet tooth person that’s why.
I’ve tried nutella crepe with banana slices in the Canaries. It was yummy though… bought it after our clubbing and bar hopping. This guy was selling them like hot cakes at past 2am! There were lots of people going back to their resorts and he was the only establishment open, haha.
How nice to see you’ve tried the cupcakes out! It’s good and simple and the Nutella really makes it a favorite no? Your’s look absolutely delish! 🙂
Hay! Another reason why I love your blog Sha…the little mentions and references you make to your daily life there in Greece. I had a really unforgettable time when I was assigned there for about 2 months. I remember Psirri! Had a some fun times there 🙂
Sha, what a wonderful recipe and such a gorgeous site. I’m definitely coming back often to wander through your posts.
Pictures are beautiful, recipes delicious – what’s not to like.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this recipe, Sha! I’m a certified Nutella fan. I’ve been buying it since 1999. Usually I spread it on pancakes.
Maybe I should invest in muffin tins so I can try the recipe you gave here. I left my ‘baking tools’ in Manila (I bought some when my Mom gave me a mini oven for my 23rd birthday). I loved Betty Crocker’s blueberry muffins back then.
I love muffins. I was a “suki” of French Baker’s back home; I always bought its chocolate muffins — yum, yum. Now, I’m the “suki” of the Swiss dentist (three teeth down…one more to go next week). 🙂 Hay, buhay.
I’ve been meaning to try this yummy sounding cake as a nuttela lover, yours look so beautiful and perfect! (I’m interested in Cubanita too…)
i luv eating nutella off my fingers 🙂
Mine didn’t last that long, I baked them yesterday and all are gone.
Hi, I was looking for Nutella recipes when I came across your blog! Are those the self-frosting ones? For fun, I am organizing World Nutella Day on the 6th of February (2007) – do you have any more Nutella recipes to share? There’s more info on my blog or
I’m an expat in Italy and I noticed a few familiar words on your blog – zucchero filato, for example – is that Greek or Italian?