I have been wanting to do this for a long time but I had to wait when I needed the egg yolks. After making thosescrumptious flans I had a lot of egg whites.


  • 150 g dessicated coconut
  • 150 g castor sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • glace cherries

    Lets have fun:
    1) Pre heat oven at 180 C
    2) Whisk egg whites
    3) Add sugar and coconut
    4) Put a teaspoonful on each paper mould
    5) Top with glace cherries
    6) Bake 15-20 mins till golden brown

    For a different variety like COCONUT PYRAMIDS:
    ~ dip egg cup in water
    ~fill in mixture
    ~turn it upside down

    I was popping these mini macaroons in my mouth when a wicked thought came to my mind. I shall call these “Sweet Revenge” Macaroons.

    Not in a literal way. I made these macaroons few days after a fellow blogger wrote a not so good to read item against me.
    So instead of feeling .. well you know what… I went for my motto-
    Slide, glide, survive and… cook!
    And they turned out yummy!