I know I am slightly behind with my posts but with this sweltering heat, I prefer to go out and spend the eve with friends going out, than sit down and blog.

Also, when I was in France (am going back again by the way) I was using the internet cafe where most yacht crew hang out. And guess what? Its 5euro an hr. With all the crowd around me I do not fancy writing in the public.
But I did find out I could bring my laptop.

I did manage to catch up with the stories but I will post them one by one. The stories are well documented as I carry my faithful Filofax and my Moleskine diary with me where ever I travel.

It will back track a bit – I will fail as a diarist but the dates are well noted.

As for me I was back here in Athens last June (stopping in Zurich for a day..another story)
1)Then I met Bayi- story posted.
2)My birthday (I posted)
3)Back to UK, cooking with my sister is always a joy. Good Filipino cooking.
4)Travel and food at North East Yorkshire.
5)France- lunch at Cap D Antibes and Biot
6)Belgian Waffles
7)Les Maison des Desserts Belgium
8)Classical Austrian Cusine, a great lunch at Salzbourg.
10) Agro Tourismo at Sud Tirol

So we shall see when I will manage to post all these. Just keep coming!